Effective as of June 6, 2024

Please click here to view the previous version of our Privacy Policy.

California Notice at Collection/State Law Privacy Rights : See the State law privacy rights section below for important information about your rights under applicable state privacy laws.

Rare Carat, Inc. (“Rare Carat”, “we”, “us” or “our”) provides a marketplace where consumers can browse and purchase jewelry from wholesalers and manufacturers. This Privacy Policy describes how Rare Carat processes personal information that we collect through our digital or online properties or services that link to this Privacy Policy (including as applicable, our website and social media pages) as well as our marketing activities, live events and other activities described in this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Service”). Rare Carat may provide additional or supplemental privacy policies to individuals for specific products or services that we offer at the time we collect personal information.


Personal information we collect

Information you provide to us. Personal information you may provide to us through the Service or otherwise includes:

  • Contact data, such as your first and last name, salutation, email address, billing and mailing addresses, professional title and company name, and phone number.
  • Demographic data, such as your city, state, country of residence, postal code, and age.
  • Profile data, such as the username and password that you may set to establish an online account on the Service, date of birth, redemption code, biographical details, photograph or picture, links to your profiles on social networks, interests, preferences, information about your participation in our contests, promotions, or surveys, and any other information that you add to your account profile.
  • Communications data based on our exchanges with you, including when you contact us through the Service, or communicate with us via chat features, social media, or otherwise.
  • Transactional data, such as information relating to or needed to complete your orders on or through the Service, including order numbers and transaction history.
  • Marketing data, such as your preferences for receiving our marketing communications and details about your engagement with them.
  • Product data, such as the product preferences and budget you provide when you complete a Diamond Quiz, the GIA Report Number you provide when you request a Diamond Report, or information about diamonds and other products that you have favorited or liked.
  • User-generated content data, such as reviews, photos, images, comments, questions, messages, customized engraving text, works of authorship, and other content or information that you generate, transmit, or otherwise make available on the Service, as well as associated metadata. Metadata includes information on how, when, where and by whom a piece of content was collected and how that content has been formatted or edited. Metadata also includes information that users can add or can have added to their content, such as keywords, geographical or location information, and other similar data.
  • Relationship data, such as familial or other relationship to third parties whose personal information you may provide to us. For example, you may provide us with your partner’s contact information for us to send a hint.
  • Payment data needed to complete transactions, including payment card information or bank or other financial account number.
  • Promotion data, including information you share when you enter a competition, promotion or complete a survey. Please note that if you participate in a sweepstakes, contest or giveaway through the Service, we may ask you for your Contact Data to notify you if you win or not, to verify your identity, determine your eligibility, and/or to send you prizes. In some situations, we may need additional information as a part of the entry process, such as a prize selection choice. These sweepstakes and contests are voluntary. We recommend that you read the rules and other relevant information for each sweepstakes and contest that you enter.
  • Other data not specifically listed here, which we will use as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise disclosed at the time of collection.

Third-party sources. We may combine personal information we receive from you with personal information falling within one of the categories identified above that we obtain from other sources, such as:

  • Public sources, such as government agencies, public records, social media platforms, and other publicly available sources.
  • Data providers, such as information services and data licensors
  • Partners, such financing partners, marketing partners, fraud prevention partners, product review partners, and event co-sponsors.
  • Third-party services, such as social media services, that you use to log into, or otherwise link to, your Service account. This data may include your username, profile picture and other information associated with your account on that third-party service that is made available to us based on your account settings on that service.

Automatic data collection. We, our service providers, and our business partners may automatically log information about you, your computer or mobile device, and your interaction over time with the Service, our communications and other online services, such as:

  • Device data, such as your computer or mobile device’s operating system type and version, manufacturer and model, browser type, screen resolution, RAM and disk size, CPU usage, device type (e.g., phone, tablet), IP address, unique identifiers (including identifiers used for advertising purposes), language settings, mobile device carrier, radio/network information (e.g., Wi-Fi, LTE, 3G), and general location information such as city, state or geographic area.
  • Online activity data, such as pages or screens you viewed, how long you spent on a page or screen, the website you visited before browsing to the Service, navigation paths between pages or screens, information about your activity on a page or screen (including what products you search for), access times and duration of access, and whether you have opened our emails or clicked links within them.
  • Communication interaction data such as your interactions with our email, text or other communications (e.g., whether you open and/or forward emails) – we may do this through use of pixel tags (which are also known as clear GIFs), which may be embedded invisibly in our emails.

For more information concerning our automatic collection of data, please see the Tracking technologies section below.

Data about others. We may offer features that help users invite their friends or contacts to use the Service (such as if we provide a hint to your partner), and we may collect contact details about these invitees so we can deliver their invitations. Please do not refer someone to us or share their contact details with us unless you have their permission to do so.

Tracking Technologies

Cookies and other technologies. Some of the automatic collection described above is facilitated by the following technologies:

  • Cookies, which are small text files that websites store on user devices and that allow web servers to record users’ web browsing activities and remember their submissions, preferences, and login status as they navigate a site. Cookies used on our sites include both “session cookies” that are deleted when a session ends, “persistent cookies” that remain longer, “first party” cookies that we place and “third party” cookies that our third-party business partners and service providers place.
  • Local storage technologies, like HTML5, that provide cookie-equivalent functionality but can store larger amounts of data on your device outside of your browser in connection with specific applications.
  • Web beacons, also known as pixel tags or clear GIFs, which are used to demonstrate that a webpage or email was accessed or opened, or that certain content was viewed or clicked.
  • Session-replay technologies, such as those provided by FullStory that employ software code to record users’ interactions with the Services in a manner that allows us to watch video replays of those user sessions. The replays include users’ clicks, mobile app touches, mouse movements, scrolls and keystrokes/key touches during those sessions. These replays help us diagnose usability problems and identify areas for improvement. You can learn more about FullStory at and you can opt-out of session recording by FullStory at
  • Chat technologies, such as those provided by Intercom that employ cookies and software code to operate the chat features that you can use to communicate with us through the Service. Intercom and other third parties may access and use information about webpages visited on our website, your IP address, your general geographic information (e.g., city, state), and other personal information you share through online chats for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

For information concerning your choices with respect to the use of tracking technologies, see the Your choices section, below.

How we use your personal information

We may use your personal information for the following purposes or as otherwise described at the time of collection:

Service delivery and operations. We may use your personal information to:

  • provide the Service;
  • enable security features of the Service;
  • establish and maintain your user profile on the Service;
  • facilitate your invitations to friends or others who you want to invite or use to join the Service;
  • facilitate social features of the Service, such as by providing chat or messaging functionality;
  • communicate with you about the Service, including by sending Service-related announcements, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
  • communicate with you about events or contests in which you participate; and
  • provide support for the Service, and respond to your requests, questions and feedback.

Service personalization, which may include using your personal information to:

  • understand your needs and interests;
  • personalize your experience with the Service and our Service-related communications; and
  • remember your selections and preferences as you navigate webpages.

Service improvement and analytics. We may use your personal information to analyze your usage of the Service, improve the Service, improve the rest of our business, help us understand user activity on the Service, including which pages are most and least visited and how visitors move around the Service, as well as user interactions with our emails, and to develop new products and services. For example, we use Google Analytics for this purpose. You can learn more about Google Analytics and how to prevent the use of Google Analytics relating to your use of our sites here:

Marketing and advertising. We, our service providers and our third-party advertising partners may collect and use your personal information for marketing and advertising purposes:

  • Direct marketing. We may send you direct marketing communications and may personalize these messages based on your needs, preferences, and interests. You may opt-out of our marketing communications as described in the Opt-out of communications section below.
  • Interest-based advertising. We and our third-party advertising partners may use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your interaction (including the data described in the automatic data collection section above) with the Service, our communications and other online services over time, and use that information to serve online ads that they think will interest you. This is called interest-based advertising. We may also share information about our users with these companies to facilitate interest-based advertising to those or similar users on other online platforms.

Events, promotions and contests. We may use your personal information to:

  • administer promotions and contests
  • communicate with you about promotions or contests in which you participate
  • contact or market to you after collecting your personal information at an event

Compliance and protection. We may use your personal information to:

  • comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas, investigations or requests from government authorities;
  • protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety or property (including by making and defending legal claims);
  • audit our internal processes for compliance with legal and contractual requirements or our internal policies;
  • enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Service; and
  • prevent, identify, investigate and deter fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity, including cyberattacks and identity theft.

Data sharing in the context of corporate events, we may share certain personal information in the context of actual or prospective corporate events – for more information, see How we share your personal information below.

To create aggregated, de-identified and/or anonymized data. We may create aggregated, de-identified and/or anonymized data from your personal information and other individuals whose personal information we collect. We make personal information into de-identified and/or anonymized data by removing information that makes the data identifiable to you and we will not attempt to reidentify any such data. We may use this aggregated, de-identified and/or anonymized data and share it with third parties for our lawful business purposes, including to analyze and improve the Service and promote our business.

Further uses, in some cases, we may use your personal information for further uses, in which case we will ask for your consent to use of your personal information for those further purposes if they are not compatible with the initial purpose for which information was collected.


We generally retain personal information to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements, to establish or defend legal claims, or for fraud prevention purposes. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we may consider factors such as the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

When we no longer require the personal information we have collected about you, we may either delete it, anonymize it, or isolate it from further processing.

How we share your personal information

We may share your personal information with the following parties and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, in other applicable notices, or at the time of collection.

Affiliates. Our corporate parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

Service providers. Third parties that provide services on our behalf or help us operate the Service or our business (such as hosting, information technology, customer support, online chat functionality providers, email delivery, product delivery providers, marketing, consumer research and website analytics).

Fraud prevention partners. Third parties that provide fraud prevention services to us, such as Signifyd. Signifyd may use your personal data in accordance with its privacy policy,

Payment processors and financing partners. Any payment card information you use to make a purchase on the Service is collected and processed directly by our payment processors, such as PayPal or Braintree. These parties may use your payment data in accordance with their privacy policy, such as or If you choose to finance your purchase through one of partners, such as Affirm, Klarna, T.D. Bank N.A., or Shopify Payments, those parties may use your personal data in accordance with their privacy policy, such as //,,, or

Advertising partners. Third-party advertising companies for the interest-based advertising purposes described above.

Third parties designated by you. We may share your personal information with third parties where you have instructed us or provided your consent to do so.

Partners. Third parties with whom we partner, including parties with whom we co-sponsor events or promotions, with whom we jointly offer products or services, or whose products or services may be of interest to you.

Linked third-party services. If you log into the Service with, or otherwise link your Service account to, a social media or other third-party service, we may share your personal information with that third-party service. The third party’s use of the shared information will be governed by its privacy policy and the settings associated with your account with the third-party service.

Professional advisors. Professional advisors, such as lawyers, auditors, bankers and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they render to us.

Authorities and others. Law enforcement, government authorities, and private parties, as we believe in good faith to be necessary or appropriate for the Compliance and protection purposes described above.

Business transferees. We may disclose personal information in the context of actual or prospective business transactions (e.g., investments in Rare Carat, financing of Rare Carat, public stock offerings, or the sale, transfer or merger of all or part of our business, assets or shares), for example, we may need to share certain personal information with prospective counterparties and their advisers. We may also disclose your personal information to an acquirer, successor, or assignee of Rare Carat as part of any merger, acquisition, sale of assets, or similar transaction, and/or in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which personal information is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets..

Other users and the public. Your user-generated content data (except for messages) may be visible to other users of the Service and the public. For example, other users of the Service or the public may have access to your information if you choose to make personal information available to them through the Service, such as when you provide comments, reviews, survey responses, or share other content. This information can be seen, collected and used by others, including being cached, copied, screen captured or stored elsewhere by others (e.g., search engines), and we are not responsible for any such use of this information.

Your choices

In this section, we describe the rights and choices available to all users. Users who are located in California can find additional information about their rights below.

Opt-out of communications. You may opt-out of marketing-related emails by following the opt-out or unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the email, or by contacting us. Please note that if you choose to opt-out of marketing-related emails, you may continue to receive service-related and other non-marketing emails.

If you receive text messages from us, you may opt out of receiving further text messages from us by replying STOP to our message. You may also text STOP to 693-43.

Cookies. Most browsers let you remove or reject cookies. To do this, follow the instructions in your browser settings. Many browsers accept cookies by default until you change your settings. Please note that if you set your browser to disable cookies, the Service may not work properly. For more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your browser and how to manage and delete them, visit You can also configure your device to prevent images from loading to prevent web beacons from functioning.

Blocking images/clear gifs: Most browsers and devices allow you to configure your device to prevent images from loading. To do this, follow the instructions in your particular browser or device settings.

Advertising choices. You may be able to limit use of your information for interest-based advertising through the following settings/options/tools:

  • Browser settings. Changing your internet web browser settings to block third-party cookies.
  • Privacy browsers/plug-ins. Using privacy browsers and/or ad-blocking browser plug-ins that let you block tracking technologies.
  • Platform settings. Certain platforms offer opt-out features that let you opt-out of use of your information for interest-based advertising. For example, you may be able to exercise that option for Google and Facebook, respectively, at the following websites:
  • Ad industry tools. Opting out of interest-based ads from companies that participate in the following industry opt-out programs:
  • Mobile settings. Using your mobile device settings to limit use of the advertising ID associated with your mobile device for interest-based advertising purposes.

You will need to apply these opt-out settings on each device and browser from which you wish to limit the use of your information for interest-based advertising purposes.

We cannot offer any assurances as to whether the companies we work with participate in the opt-out programs described above.

Do Not Track. Some Internet browsers may be configured to send “Do Not Track” signals to the online services that you visit. We currently do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” please visit

Declining to provide information. We need to collect personal information to provide certain services. If you do not provide the information we identify as required or mandatory, we may not be able to provide those services.

Linked third-party platforms. If you choose to connect to the Service through your social media account or other third-party platform, you may be able to use your settings in your account with that platform to limit the information we receive from it. If you revoke our ability to access information from a third-party platform, that choice will not apply to information that we have already received from that third party.

Delete your content or close your account. If you wish to delete your content or close your account, please contact us.

Other sites and services

The Service may contain links to websites, mobile applications, and other online services operated by third parties. In addition, our content may be integrated into web pages or other online services that are not associated with us. These links and integrations are not an endorsement of, or representation that we are affiliated with, any third party. We do not control websites, mobile applications or online services operated by third parties, and we are not responsible for their actions. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of the other websites, mobile applications and online services you use.


We employ technical, organizational and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information we collect. However, security risk is inherent in all internet and information technologies, and we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information.

International data transfer

We are headquartered in the United States and may use service providers that operate in other countries. Your personal information may be transferred to the United States or other locations where privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your state, province, or country.


The Service is not intended for use by anyone under 18 years of age. If you are a parent or guardian of a child from whom you believe we have collected personal information in a manner prohibited by law, please contact us. If we learn that we have collected personal information through the Service from a child without the consent of the child’s parent or guardian as required by law, we will comply with applicable legal requirements to delete the information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by updating the date of this Privacy Policy and posting it on the Service or other appropriate means. Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon our posting the modified version (or as otherwise indicated at the time of posting). In all cases, your use of the Service after the effective date of any modified Privacy Policy indicates your acknowledging that the modified Privacy Policy applies to your interactions with the Service and our business.

How to contact us

  • Email:
  • Mail: 2000 Town Center, Southfield, MI 48075
  • Phone: (855) 720-4858

State privacy rights notice

Except as otherwise provided, this section applies to residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, Virginia and other states to the extent they have privacy laws applicable to us that grant their residents the rights described below, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), the Colorado Privacy Act (“CPA”), the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (“CTDPA”), the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (“UCPA”), and the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”) (collectively, the “State Privacy Laws”).

This section describes how we collect, use, and share Personal Information of residents of these states and the rights these users may have with respect to their Personal Information. Please note that not all rights listed below may be afforded to all users and that if you are not a resident of a state with a State Privacy Law, you may not be able to exercise these rights. In addition, we may not be able to process your request if you do not provide us with sufficient detail to allow us to confirm your identity or understand and respond to it.

For purposes of this section, the term “Personal Information” has the meaning given to “personal data”, “personal information” or other similar terms and “Sensitive Personal Information” has the meaning given to “sensitive personal information,” “sensitive data”, or other similar terms in the State Privacy Laws, except that in neither case does such term include information exempted from the scope of the State Privacy Laws. In some cases, we may provide a different privacy notice to certain categories of residents of these states, such as job applicants, in which case that notice will apply instead of this section.

Your privacy rights. The State Privacy Laws may provide residents with some or all of the rights listed below. However, these rights are not absolute and some State Privacy Laws do not provide these rights to their residents. Therefore, we may decline your request in certain cases as permitted by law.

  • Information. You can request the following information about how we have collected and used your Personal Information during the past 12 months:

    • The categories of Personal Information that we have collected.

    • The categories of sources from which we collected Personal Information.

    • The business or commercial purpose for collecting and/or selling Personal Information.

    • The categories of third parties with which we share Personal Information.

    • The categories of Personal Information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose.

    • The categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose.

  • Access. You can request a copy of the Personal Information that we have collected about you.

  • Appeal. You can appeal our denial of any request validly submitted.

  • Correction. You can ask us to correct inaccurate Personal Information that we have collected about you.

  • Deletion. You can ask us to delete the Personal Information that we have collected from you.

  • Opt-out.

    • Opt-out of certain processing for targeted advertising purposes. You can opt-out of certain processing of personal information for targeted advertising purposes.

    • Opt-out of other sales of personal data. You can opt-out of other sales of your Personal Information.

  • Consumers under 16. We do not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age.

  • Sensitive Personal Information. We do not process Sensitive Personal Information for the purpose of inferring characteristics about consumers under the CCPA.

  • Nondiscrimination. You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination as prohibited by the State Privacy Laws.

Exercising your right to information/know, access, appeal, correction, and deletion. You may submit requests to exercise your right to information/know, access, appeal, correction, or deletion via email to

Exercising your right to opt-out of the “sale” or “sharing” of your Personal Information. While we do not sell personal information for money, like many companies, we use services that help deliver interest-based ads to you as described above. The State Privacy Laws may classify our use of some of these services as “selling” or “sharing” your Personal Information with the advertising partners that provide the services. You can submit requests to opt-out of tracking for targeted advertising purposes or other sales of Personal Information here: via email to, or via phone by calling (855) 720-4858.

Verification of Identity; Authorized agents. We may need to verify your identity in order to process your information/know, access, appeal, correction, or deletion requests and reserve the right to confirm your residency. To verify your identity, we may require government identification, a declaration under penalty of perjury, or other information, where permitted by law.

Under some State Privacy Laws, you may enable an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. However, we may need to verify your authorized agent’s identity and authority to act on your behalf. We may require a copy of a valid power of attorney given to your authorized agent pursuant to applicable law. If you have not provided your agent with such a power of attorney, we may ask you to take additional steps permitted by law to verify that your request is authorized, such as by providing your agent with written and signed permission to exercise your State Privacy Laws rights on your behalf, the information we request to verify your identity, and confirmation that you have given the authorized agent permission to submit the request.

Personal information that we collect, use and disclose. We have summarized the Personal Information we collect and may disclose to third parties by reference below to both the categories defined in the “Personal information we collect” section of this Policy above and the categories of Personal Information specified in the CCPA (Cal. Civ. Code §1798.140) and describes our practices currently and during the 12 months preceding the effective date of this Privacy Policy. Information you voluntarily provide to us, such as in free-form webforms, may contain other categories of personal information not described below.

Personal Information (“PI”) we collectCCPA statutory categoryCategories of third parties to whom we “disclose” PI for a business purposeCategories of third parties to whom we “sell” or “share” PI
  • Contact data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California customer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Fraud prevention partners
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Partners
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Demographic data
  • Identifiers
  • California customer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Partners
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Profile data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California customer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Communications data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California consumer records
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Transactional data
  • Commercial information
  • California consumer records
  • Financial information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Fraud prevention partners
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Marketing data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California customer records
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Product data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California consumer records
  • Financial information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • User-generated content
  • Sensory Information
  • California consumer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • None
  • Relationship data
  • Identifiers
  • California customer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Payment data
  • Commercial information
  • Financial information
  • California consumer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Fraud prevention partners
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Promotion data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California customer records
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Data about others
  • Identifiers
  • California consumer records
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Device data
  • Identifiers
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Online activity data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Communication interaction data
  • Identifiers
  • Commercial information
  • California consumer records
  • Internet or Network Information
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Payment processors and financing partners
  • Advertising partners
  • Third parties designated by you
  • Professional advisors
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Other users and the public
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Data derived from the above
  • Inferences
  • Affiliates
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Authorities and others
  • Business transferees
  • Partners
  • Advertising partners (to facilitate online advertising)
  • Partners
  • Other Sensitive Personal Information
We do not intentionally collect this information, but it may be revealed in identity data or other information we collect
  • Protected Classification Characteristics
  • N/A
  • None
  • Notice of Financial Incentive. We offer, or may in the future offer, various incentive programs that may constitute a “financial incentive” under the CCPA. The details of these programs are as follows and subject to change:
    • Rare Carat SMS program
      • Program and Material Terms. Participants can receive exclusive offers via SMS by providing their phone number. See also our Terms of Use Agreement.
      • How to opt-in. To opt-in, enter your phone number in the popup that appears on our website. Please note that the popup may not always be available.
      • Incentive offered for your participation. You will receive various coupon codes and offers that can be used for discounts on our products. The specific offers may change from time to time. All offers and coupons are subject to limitations and may be changed or terminated at any time without prior notice.
      • Personal Information we may collect though the program. We may collect contact data, communications data, promotion data, and transactional data (see Personal Information We Collect section above).
      • How to Withdraw from the Program. You can opt-out by unsubscribing from receiving SMS messages from us.
  • You have the right to withdraw from these programs at any time and may do so by following the instructions above.
  • The value of the incentives provided pursuant to these programs depends on various factors, including as applicable: the benefit and insights that we realize and expect to realize when you continue to use our Services; sales directly or indirectly generated from participation in each program; whether the sales generated by the program exceed the cost to us of offering the program; how many users sign up for the program; and increased goodwill towards us.

Colorado loyalty program disclosures. If you are a Colorado resident, please note the following with respect to Rare Carat’s Rare Carat SMS program (the “Rewards Program”):

  • All categories of personal information collected through the Rewards Program, including your name, email address, device data, and usage data, may be processed for targeted advertising as described above in the Interest-Based Advertising section above.
  • The categories of third parties that will receive personal information collected through the Rewards Program are listed above in the section entitled How We Share Your Personal Information. Such data is not provided to data brokers.

Shine the light law. Under California’s Shine the Light law (California Civil Code Section 1798.83), California residents may ask companies with whom they have formed a business relationship primarily for personal, family or household purposes to provide the names of third parties to which they have disclosed certain personal information (as defined under the Shine the Light law) during the preceding calendar year for their own direct marketing purposes, and the categories of personal information disclosed. You may send us requests for this information to In your request, you must include the statement “Shine the Light Request," and provide your first and last name and mailing address and certify that you are a California resident. We reserve the right to require additional information to confirm your identity and California residency. Please note that we will not accept requests via telephone, mail, or facsimile, and we are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or that do not have complete information.

Additional information for Nevada residents. Nevada residents have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal information for monetary consideration. While we do not currently engage in such sales, if you are a Nevada resident and would like to make a request to opt out of any potential future sales, please email us at

Contact Us. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy policies or information practices, please contact us using the contact details set forth in the How to contact us section, above.