Rian here - we’ve written these color grade articles for you to get the nitty gritty on each diamond color grade. You can also get the big picture: view our page on the diamond color grades specific diamond colors. Enjoy!
The details about E Color Diamonds
E is one very small step down the color scale from D (seems legit, sequence wise). An E color diamond is still sitting pretty in that ‘colorless’ range, and so it also carries the hefty price tag found with its D colored cousins.
Of course, you also get the perk of having an icy white diamond, and provided you stick with an ‘excellent’ cut grade chances are you cannot go wrong.
So, what is the difference between a D and E colored diamond I hear you ask?

Not much, frankly. Imagine that you have a large bathtub full of water, and to it you add a half cup of lemon juice. This tiny amount of tinted liquid will not alter the overall color of the water in the bathtub. That’s your D grade diamond. Now imagine adding another half cup of lemon juice. Again, this doesn’t alter the overall tint of the bath water. That’s your E grade diamond.
Here is a chart to help you better understand the color grading scale:

In fact, even for professional gemologists, it’s extremely difficult to tell the difference between a D and an E. In order to spot the subtle difference in color, the diamonds actually need to be placed on their side (or even upside-down) against a stark white background. This is excellent news for you because it means it’s absolutely impossible for anyone to tell the difference between D and E colored diamonds when they are face-up in a ring setting.
So, unless you can tell the difference between these two beauties below, go for the E colored diamond rather than the D colored one, and save yourself some cash!